Edited by Jonathan Friedman and Shalini Randeria
I.B. Tauris
Diasporas have become a visible phenomenon of the modern world. In airports, shopping centers, city parks are found recent immigrants from many different countries. The impact of these "worlds on the move" on globalization, migration, and identity negotiations is the subject matter of this book written by a distinguished group of scholars from around the world.
Contributors vii
Preface xi
Introduction xiii
Part One: Global System, Migration, and Cultural Security
1. Cultural Security and Global Governance:
International Migration and Negotiations of Identity
Majid Tehranian 3
2. Emergent Spaces, New Places, and Old Faces:
Proliferating Identities in a Globalizing World
James N. Rosenau 23
3. Globalization, Transnationalization, and Migration:
Ideologies and Realities of Global Transformation
Jonathan Friedman 63
Part Two: Migration and Negotiations of Identity: Local and
Transnational Strategies
4. Cosmopolitans are Cosmopolitans: On the Relevance of
Local Identification in Globalizing Society
Werner Schiffauer 91
5. “Dwelling in Displacement”: On Diasporization and the
Production of National Subjects
Helmuth Berking 103
6. Migration, Identity Negotiation, and Self-Experience
Katherine Pratt Ewing 117
7. It Is Not Where You Are From, It Is Where You Are
At: Place-Based Alternatives to Diaspora Discourses
Arif Dirlik 141
8. Cosmopolitan Options
Peter van der Veer 167
9. Parting from Phantoms: What Is at Issue in the
Development of Transnational Television from Turkey
Kevin Robins and Asu Aksoy 179
Part Three: Citizenship and Belonging: Political and Legal
10. Migration, Belonging, and the Shrinking Inclusive
Capacity of the Nation-State
Michael Bommes 209
11. Beyond Sovereignty: De-Facto Transnationalism in
Immigration Policy
Saskia Sassen 229
12. Conflict and Transformation: New Forms of
Nation-State Building in Iran, Afghanistan, and
Tschanguiz Pahlavan 251
13. “Citizenship Light”: Transnational Ties, Multiple
Rules of Membership, and the “Pink Card”
Ayse S. Caglar 273
14. Transnational Third Worlds
Boaventura de Sousa Santos 293
15. Mediating World Order: The Human Quest for
Cultural Identity versus the Discipline of Global
Richard Falk 319
References 333
Index 365
Globalization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, What is globalization? definition and meaning, Globalization, Global Governance, Global issues list, Globalization definition, what is globalization, article on globalization, impact of globalization, Global organization, globalisation, globalization on business, Globalization and education, define globalization, benefits of globalization, Globalization meaning
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