About the Author
Tom Hammergren is known worldwide as an innovator, writer, educator,
speaker, and consultant in the field of information management. Tom’s
information management and software career spans more than 20 years and
includes key roles in successful business intelligence and information man-
agement solution companies such as Cognos, Cincom, and Sybase. Tom is the
founder of Balanced Insight, Inc., a leading vendor of business intelligence
lifecycle management software and services that also works on innovation in
semantically driven business intelligence.
While working for Sybase, Hammergren helped design and develop
WarehouseStudio, a comprehensive set of tools for delivering enterprise
data warehousing solutions. At Cincom, Tom helped deliver the SupraServer
product line to market, one of the first fully distributed data management
solutions for highly survivable network implementations. During an earlier
position at Cognos, he was one of the founding members of the PowerPlay
and Impromptu product teams.
Tom has published numerous articles in industry journals and is the
author of two widely read books, Data Warehousing: Building the Corporate
Knowledge Base and Offi cial Sybase Data Warehousing on the Internet:
Accessing the Corporate Knowledge Base (both from International Thomson
Computer Press).
Contents at a Glance
Introduction ................................................................ 1
Part I: The Data Warehouse: Home for Your Data Assets ...7
Chapter 1: What’s in a Data Warehouse? ........................................................................ 9
Chapter 2: What Should You Expect from Your Data Warehouse? ........................... 25
Chapter 3: Have It Your Way: The Structure of a Data Warehouse ........................... 37
Chapter 4: Data Marts: Your Retail Data Outlet ........................................................... 59
Part II: Data Warehousing Technology ........................ 71
Chapter 5: Relational Databases and Data Warehousing ........................................... 73
Chapter 6: Specialty Databases and Data Warehousing ............................................. 85
Chapter 7: Stuck in the Middle with You: Data Warehousing Middleware .............. 95
Part III: Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing ...113
Chapter 8: An Intelligent Look at Business Intelligence............................................ 115
Chapter 9: Simple Database Querying and Reporting .............................................. 125
Chapter 10: Business Analysis (OLAP) ....................................................................... 135
Chapter 11: Data Mining: Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It’s Off to Mine We Go ................................ 149
Chapter 12: Dashboards and Scorecards ................................................................... 155
Part IV: Data Warehousing Projects:
How to Do Them Right ............................................. 163
Chapter 13: Data Warehousing and Other IT Projects: The Same but Different ... 165
Chapter 14: Building a Winning Data Warehousing Project Team .......................... 179
Chapter 15: You Need What? When? — Capturing Requirements .......................... 193
Chapter 16: Analyzing Data Sources............................................................................ 203
Chapter 17: Delivering the Goods ................................................................................ 213
Chapter 18: User Testing, Feedback, and Acceptance .............................................. 225
Part V: Data Warehousing: The Big Picture ................ 231
Chapter 19: The Information Value Chain:
Connecting Internal and External Data ..................................................................... 233
Chapter 20: Data Warehousing Driving Quality and Integration ............................. 247
Chapter 21: The View from the Executive Boardroom ............................................. 263
Chapter 22: Existing Sort-of Data Warehouses: Upgrade or Replace? .................... 271
Chapter 23: Surviving in the Computer Industry (and Handling Vendors) ............ 281
Chapter 24: Working with Data Warehousing Consultants ...................................... 291
Part VI: Data Warehousing in the
Not-Too-Distant Future ............................................. 297
Chapter 25: Expanding Your Data Warehouse with Unstructured Data ................. 299
Chapter 26: Agreeing to Disagree about Semantics .................................................. 305
Chapter 27: Collaborative Business Intelligence ....................................................... 311
Part VII: The Part of Tens ......................................... 317
Chapter 28: Ten Questions to Consider When You’re Selecting User Tools ......... 319
Chapter 29: Ten Secrets to Managing Your Project Successfully ............................ 325
Chapter 30: Ten Sources of Up-to-Date Information about Data Warehousing ..... 331
Chapter 31: Ten Mandatory Skills for a Data Warehousing Consultant ................. 335
Chapter 32: Ten Signs of a Data Warehousing Project in Trouble .......................... 339
Chapter 33: Ten Signs of a Successful Data Warehousing Project .......................... 343
Chapter 34: Ten Subject Areas to Cover with Product Vendors ............................. 347
Index ...................................................................... 351
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Data Warehousing Design and Advanced Engineering Applications Other Data Warehous books
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