Europe's New State of Welfare: Unemployment, Employment Policies and Citizenship by Jorgen Goul Andersen, Jochen Clasen, Wim Van Oorschot, Knut Halvorsen Publisher: Policy Press | 2003-03 | ISBN: 1861344376 | PDF | 297 pages | 12 MB
It is often argued that European welfare states, with regulated labour markets, relatively generous social protection and relatively high wage equality (compressed wage structures), have become counter-productive in a globalised and knowledge-intensive economy. Using in-depth, comparative and interdisciplinary analysis of employment, welfare and citizenship in a number of European countries, this book challenges this view.
Notes on contributors iv
Glossary vii
Preface x
one Changing labour markets, unemployment and unemployment policies 1
in a citizenship perspective
Jørgen Goul Andersen and Knut Halvorsen
two Employment and unemployment in Europe: overview and new trends 21
Jørgen Goul Andersen and Jan Bendix Jensen
three Unemployment and unemployment policy in the UK: increasing 59
employability and redefining citizenship
Jochen Clasen
four To be or not to be employed? Unemployment in a ‘work society’ 75
Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer
five France: the impossible new social compromise? 91
Pascal Ughetto and Denis Bouget
six Labour market participation in the Netherlands: trends, policies 107
and outcomes
Wim van Oorschot
seven Is high unemployment due to welfare state protection? Lessons 123
from the Swedish experience
Bengt Furåker
eight Denmark: from the edge of the abyss to a sustainable welfare state 143
Jørgen Goul Andersen
nine Unemployment and (un)employment policies in Norway: the case of 163
an affluent but oil-dependent economy: the paradox of plenty?
Knut Halvorsen
ten Unemployment and unemployment policy in Finland 181
Heikki Ervasti
eleven Slovenia’s navigation through a turbulent transition 195
Miroljub Ignjatovic, Anja Kopac, Ivan Svetlik and Martina Trbanc
twelve Unemployment and unemployment policy in Switzerland 217
George Sheldon
thirteen Work, welfare and citizenship: diversity and variation within 233
European (un)employment policy
Jochen Clasen and Wim van Oorschot
References 247
Index 285
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