Table of Contents
To the Student ix
Pronunciation xi
Chapter 1
1. Cognates—Definition 1
2. Nouns—Number, Gender, and Cognate Patterns 2
3. Possession with de 5
4. Adjectives—Cognate Patterns 5
5. Adjective Word Order and Agreement 7
6. Cognate Adverbs 9
7. Cognate Verbs and Past Participles 10
8. The Verb ser. Personal Pronouns 12
9. Assorted Cognates 14
10. Numbers (1–200) 17
11. Prepositions, Adverbs, and Conjunctions 21
Reading Passage: La lengua española 23
Chapter 2
12. Verbs estar and dar 27
13. Present Tense of -ar Verbs 30
14. Comparisons of Equality 34
15. Superlatives 36
16. Adjectives Used as Nouns 41
17. Numbers (200–1,000,000) 42
18. Adverbs (casi, muy, solo, mucho, además) 44
Reading Passage: Geografía de España 46
Chapter 3
19. Present Tense of -er, -ir Verbs 49
20. Ordinal Numbers (1–10) 53
21. Verbs tener and influir 55
22. Possessive Adjectives 57
23. Comparisons of Inequality 66
24. Adverbs and Prepositions 68
Reading Passage: La formación de la cultura hispánica 69
Reading Passage: La conquista de Chile 176
48. Preterite Tense—Irregular Verbs: u-Stem Verbs 177
49. Preterite Tense of ser, ir, and dar 179
Reading Passage: Atahualpa 189
Chapter 9
50. More Irregular Verbs in the Preterite 194
51. Interrogative Pronouns 199
52. Imperfect vs. Preterite (Review) 201
53. The Pluperfect Tense 204
Reading Passage: Potosí 208
Chapter 10
54. Future and Future Perfect Tenses 213
55. Indirect Object Constructions with gustar 216
Reading Passage: El moridero ( Juan Ramón Jiménez) 218
56. Future of Probability and Conjecture 223
57. Pronouns After Prepositions 224
Reading Passage: Los Reyes Magos ( Juan Ramón Jiménez) 231
Chapter 11
58. The Conditional (Present and Past) 235
Reading Passage: Salamanca (Eduardo Caballero Calderón) 242
59. The Conditional (Conjecture or Probability in the Past) 247
Reading Passage: Retablo vasco (Eduardo Caballero Calderón) 252
Chapter 12
60. Present Subjunctive—Indirect Commands 253
61. Indicative vs. Subjunctive: Adverbial Conjunctions Followed by the
Indicative or the Subjunctive 262
62. The Present Perfect Subjunctive 264
63. The Passive Voice 268
Reading Passage: Mujer y fuerza laboral en América Latina
y el Caribe 270
Chapter 13
64. Imperative—Affirmative Familiar Commands (tú, vosotros) 274
Reading Passage: Proverbios y cantares (Antonio Machado) 276
Reading Passage: Consejos (Antonio Machado) 279
65. Imperative—Affirmative and Negative Polite Commands (nosotros,
usted, ustedes) 280
Reading Passage: Cierto cansancio (Pablo Neruda) 289
Chapter 14
66. The Imperfect of the Subjunctive—Formation 293
67. Imperfect Subjunctive—Conditional Meanings and Polite Requests
68. Imperfect Subjunctive—Clauses with si and Usage After como si 298
Reading Passage: América Latina en transición 300
69. Pluperfect Subjunctive 304
Reading Passage: El narcotráfico: las dos caras de la moneda
Chapter 15
Review Lesson 309
Reading Passage: Con ella (Pablo Neruda) 314
Reading Passage: El miedo (Pablo Neruda) 320
Reading Passage: A callarse (Pablo Neruda) 326
A Simplified Approach to Spanish Verbs 329
Appendix A 331
Appendix B 335
Appendix C 338
Appendix D 341
Grammatical Index 343
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