Table of Contents
Preface ....................................................................................................... vii
Kate A. Smith, Monash University, Australia
Jatinder N. D. Gupta, Ball State University, USA
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................... xi
Section I: Introduction
Chapter 1: Neural Networks for Business: An Introduction ................. 1
Kate A. Smith, Monash University, Australia
Section II: Applications to Retail Sales and Marketing
Chapter 2: Predicting Consumer Retail Sales Using Neural
Networks ....................................................................................................... 26
G. Peter Zhang, Georgia State University, USA
Min Qi, Kent State University, USA
Chapter 3: Using Neural Networks to Model Premium Price Sensitivity
of Automobile Insurance Customer ......................................................... 41
Ai Cheo Yeo, Kate A. Smith, and Robert J. Willis
Monash University, Australia
Malcolm Brooks, Australian Associated Motor Insurers, Australia
Chapter 4: A Neural Network Application to Identify High-Value
Customers for a Large Retail Store in Japan.......................................... 55
Edward Ip, University of Southern California, USA
Joseph Johnson, University of Miami, USA
Katsutoshi Yada, Kansai University, Japan
Yukinobu Hamuro, Osaka Sangyo University, Japan
Naoki Katoh, Kyoto University, Japan
Stephane Cheung, University of Southern California, USA
Chapter 5: Segmentation of the Portuguese Clients of Pousadas de
Portugal ....................................................................................................... 70
Margarida G. M. S. Cardoso, Instituto Superior de Ciências
do Trabalho e Emprego, Portugal
Fernando Moura-Pires, Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Chapter 6: Neural Networks for Target Selection in Direct
Marketing ..................................................................................................... 89
Rob Potharst and Uzay Kaymak
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Wim Pijls, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Section III: Applications to Risk Assessment
Chapter 7: Prediction of Survival and Attrition of Click-and-Mortar
Corporations ............................................................................................... 112
Indranil Bose and Anurag Agarwal
University of Florida, USA
Chapter 8: Corporate Strategy and Wealth Creation: An Application of
Neural Network Analysis ......................................................................... 124
Caron H. St. John and Nagraj (Raju) Balakrishnan
Clemson University, USA
James O. Fiet, University of Louisville, USA
Chapter 9: Credit Rating Classification Using
Self-Organizing Maps ................................................................................ 140
Roger P. G. H. Tan, Robeco Group, The Netherlands
Jan van den Berg and Willem-Max van den Bergh
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Chapter 10: Credit Scoring Using Supervised and Unsupervised Neural
Networks .....................................................................................................154
David West and Cornelius Muchineuta
East Carolina University, USA
Chapter 11: Predicting Automobile Insurance Losses Using ........... 167
Artificial Neural Networks
Fred L. Kitchens, Ball State University, USA
John D. Johnson, University of Mississippi, USA
Jatinder N. D. Gupta, Ball State University, USA
Section IV: Applications to Financial Markets
Chapter 12: Neural Networks for Technical Forecasting of Foreign
Exchange Rates .........................................................................................189
JingTao Yao, Massey University, New Zealand
Chew Lim Tan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Chapter 13: Using Neural Networks to Discover Patterns in International
Equity Markets: A Case Study................................................................205
Mary E. Malliaris and Linda Salchenberger
Loyola University Chicago, USA
Chapter 14: Comparing Conventional and Artificial Neural
Network Models for the Pricing of Options ..........................................220
Paul Lajbcygier, Monash University, Australia
Chapter 15: Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Neural
Networks for Improved Cash Flow Forecasting ..................................236
Kate A. Smith and Larisa Lokmic
Monash University, Australia
About the Authors .....................................................................................245
Index .....................................................................................................255
Another Neural Network Books
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