Table of Contents
Introduction xvii
Part I The Architecture of .NET
1 The Challenge of N-Tier Development 3
Client/Server and N-Tier Architectures 4
Two-Tier Architecture 4
N-Tier Architecture 6
The Northwind Traders Example 8
Connectivity and Data Formats 12
Sockets 12
Remote Procedure Calls 14
Object RPCs 16
Remote Method Invocation 17
The Web 19
Data Access 21
Open Database Connectivity 21
Java Database Connectivity 22
ADO and ADO.NET 22
Nonfunctional Requirements 23
Security 23
Scalability and Availability 24
Integrity and Transactions 25
.NET Enterprise Servers 25
Java and .NET 26
Summary 27
2 Microsoft .NET 29
Compilers and Language Support 29
The Common Language Runtime 30
Cross-Language Development 40
Memory Management 45
Integrating Unmanaged Code into .NET Applications 50Table of Contents
Introduction xvii
Part I The Architecture of .NET
1 The Challenge of N-Tier Development 3
Client/Server and N-Tier Architectures 4
Two-Tier Architecture 4
N-Tier Architecture 6
The Northwind Traders Example 8
Connectivity and Data Formats 12
Sockets 12
Remote Procedure Calls 14
Object RPCs 16
Remote Method Invocation 17
The Web 19
Data Access 21
Open Database Connectivity 21
Java Database Connectivity 22
ADO and ADO.NET 22
Nonfunctional Requirements 23
Security 23
Scalability and Availability 24
Integrity and Transactions 25
.NET Enterprise Servers 25
Java and .NET 26
Summary 27
2 Microsoft .NET 29
Compilers and Language Support 29
The Common Language Runtime 30
Cross-Language Development 40
Memory Management 45
Integrating Unmanaged Code into .NET Applications 50
Assemblies and Deployment 51
The Joy of DLLs: The Movie 51
.NET Assemblies 52
Private Assemblies 55
The Global Assembly Cache 56
Configuring an Application 60
The .NET Framework Class Library 65
Namespaces 67
.NET Remoting and the Web 69
The .NET Remoting Architecture 69
Remote Object Activation 71
Web Services 72
.NET Security 73
Application Domains 74
Role-Based Security 76
Code Access Security 81
Summary 87
3 Java and the Common Language Runtime 89
Components and Java 91
JavaBeans 92
Components in .NET 98
Java, J#, and the .NET Framework 106
Packaging and Locating Classes 106
The Java Class Hierarchy 108
Other Issues 118
Migrating to J# 121
Metadata and Attributes 123
Reflection in .NET 124
Attributes 131
Enterprise Java 133
The Elements of J2EE 133
Comparing .NET to J2EE 139
The Java Pet Store 142
Summary 144
4 Graphical User Interfaces 145
Desktop GUIs 146
Revisiting Java GUI Development 146
The Windows Forms Library 149
Porting Existing Java Applications 150
Porting AWT Applications to .NET 157
Writing a GUI Application Using the .NET Classes 159
Creating the Windows Form 160
Adding Controls to the Form 165
Handling Events 171
Using File Dialog Boxes 174
Working with the System Clipboard 178
Building and Running the Application 180
Summary 181
Part II Managing and Manipulating Data
5 Processing XML 185
Using XML in a .NET Application 186
XML as a Data Format 186
Roles for XML 189
What Applications Need from XML Support 190
Processing XML Data 191
Support for XML in Visual J# and the .NET Framework 192
Single-Pass Processing of XML Documents 195
Parsing XML Documents Using the XMLReader Class 196
Processing XML Using an XMLTextReader Instance 197
Other Options for Reading and Navigation 205
Types and Namespaces 207
Exception Handling 208
Writing XML Documents Using the XmlWriter Class 209
Escaping and Copying When Writing 212
Validation and Entity Resolution 213
Validating XML Documents 213
Resolving Entities 218
Processing XML Documents in Memory 219
In-Memory Processing 219
Loading XML into the XmlDocument Class 221
Obtaining Information from a DOM Document 222
Treating a DOM Fragment as a Stream 227
Writing and Manipulating In-Memory XML Documents 227
Altering Content in a DOM Tree 227
Making Substantial Changes to XML Documents 228
Writing Out the DOM Tree 230
XML and Data 230
Links Between XML and ADO.NET Data 231
Viewing XML as Relational Data 232
Manipulating XML as Relational Data 233
Viewing Relational Data as XML 234
Summary 235
6 Transforming XML 237
Transforming XML in .NET Applications 238
The Need for Transformation 238
The XSLT Processing Model 240
Applying Transformations 244
.NET Support for XML Transformations 246
Applying Stylesheets to XML Documents 246
Simple Transformations Using XslTransform 247
Transformation Sources and Targets 248
Transforming a DataSet 250
Optimization and Partial Transformation 250
Searching and Navigating Using XPath 251
Optimizing XSLT Transformations 252
Partial Transformations 253
Parameterization and External Functionality 254
Passing in Parameters 254
Invoking External Functionality 258
Summary 263
7 ADO.NET 265
The ADO.NET Architecture 265
ADO.NET Components 266
DataSet Objects 268
Connections and Data Adapters 269
Connecting to a Data Store 270
Connecting to a Data Source (OLE DB and SQL) 270
Connections and Visual Studio .NET 272
Connection Pooling 273
Consuming Connection Events 273
Executing Commands Against a Data Store 274
Building Commands 275
Using Parameters in Statements 276
Invoking Stored Procedures 282
Retrieving a Single Record from a Data Source 283
Using a DataReader Object for Read-Only Data Retrieval 283
Using DataSet Objects for Data Access 285
Populating a DataSet Table from a Data Adapter 285
Navigating a Typed DataSet 288
Navigating an Untyped DataSet 291
Manipulating and Updating a Data Store from a Data Adapter 292
Defining Relationships and Constraints 296
Transaction Management 299
Working with XML and ADO.NET 301
Writing a DataSet as XML 301
Writing DataRelation Objects as XML 304
Inferring the DataSet Structure from XML 304
Summary 306
Part III Developing for the Enterprise
8 Multithreading with .NET 309
Threads and .NET 310
Application Domains and Threads 312
Creating Threads 312
Threads and Security 314
Passing Parameters to Threads 314
Thread States 315
Terminating Threads 318
Scheduling Threads 321
Threads and Unmanaged Code 323
Synchronization 325
Manual Synchronization 329
Automatic Synchronization 338
Static and Thread Data 341
Interthread Communication 343
Thread Notification 343
Timers 354
Thread Pooling 355
The ThreadPool Class 356
Asynchronous I/O 357
Summary 359
9 Basic Network Programming 361
Sockets Essentials 362
Connection-Oriented Sockets 363
Data Transmission Issues 380
Connectionless Sockets 382
Blocking and Nonblocking Sockets 387
Using Sockets Asynchronously 389
The Poll and Select Methods 389
Network Streams 391
Web Network Programming 393
Pluggable Protocols 394
Requesting and Receiving Data Using HTTP 396
Posting Data 399
Processing Requests Asynchronously 401
Using a WebClient Object 402
HTTP Connection Management and Pooling 403
Security over the Internet 405
Authentication and Authorization 405
Encryption 408
Summary 409
10 Serializing Objects 411
Serializing and Deserializing Data 412
Formatting Data 412
Deserialization 416
Versioning 417
Being Selective 422
Advanced Serialization 423
Customizing Serialization 423
Handling Object Graphs 427
XML Serialization 433
XML Formatting 433
Deserializing an XML Stream 441
Summary 445
11 .NET Remoting 447
The Common Language Runtime Remoting Architecture 447
Remote Objects 448
The .NET Remoting Model 451
The ObjRef Object and Proxies 457
Messages, Channels, and Channel Sinks 458
Programming with TCP Remoting 460
Server-Activated Object Remoting 461
Client-Activated Object Remoting 469
Managing Object Lifetimes and Leases 471
TCP Remoting Security 474
Remote Method Parameters 475
Remote Events 476
HTTP Remoting 480
Remoting Server Hosting 481
Hosting with IIS 483
HTTP Remoting Security 485
Customizing Remoting 486
One-Way Remoting 486
The RemotingServices Class 487
Tracking Handlers 489
Custom Channel Sinks and Channels 492
Summary 494
12 Using Message Queues 495
The Architecture of Message Queuing 3.0 496
Queues, Servers, and Active Directory 496
Transactional Message Queues 498
Managing Queues 498
System Queues 500
Message Delivery 501
Message Queuing Triggers 502
Programming Message Queues 502
Posting and Receiving Messages 502
Handling Messages 514
Managing Queues 520
Asynchronous Operations 525
Receiving Messages Asynchronously 525
Disconnected Queues 527
Requesting an Acknowledgment 530
Messaging in the Real World 532
Reliability and Transactions 532
Message Authentication and Encryption 537
Messaging over HTTP 540
Summary 540
Part IV Integrating with Windows
13 Integrating with Unmanaged Components 543
Managed and Unmanaged Code 544
Invoking Methods in Unmanaged DLLs 545
Using J/Direct 546
The Platform Invoke Service 551
Other P/Invoke Issues 567
Calling COM Components 571
Creating and Using an RCW 572
Sinking COM Events 577
Using COM Objects Without Type Libraries 580
Integrating .NET Components into COM 589
Designing .NET Components for COM Interop 589
Creating a COM Callable Wrapper 594
Testing the CCW 598
Interoperability with Other Technologies 600
The Real Solution: XML Web Services 602
Summary 603
14 Serviced Components and COM+ 605
Using an Existing COM+ Component 607
The FourthCoffee Components Revisited 608
Configuring the Fourth Coffee COM+ Application 608
Using the Fourth Coffee COM+ Application 612
Subscribing to a Loosely Coupled Event 613
Building a Serviced Component 621
Serviced Component Basics 622
Registering and Using the Serviced Component 629
Features of Serviced Components 633
Synchronization, Activities, and Context 633
Static Methods 637
Serviced Component Activation 638
Caching Shared State 645
More About Transactions 650
.NET and COM+ Security 655
Code Access Security Requirements 655
The .NET Role-Based Security Model 655
The COM+ Role-Based Security Model 656
Implementing COM+ Security from .NET 657
COM+ Imperative Security 660
Asynchronous Components 661
Creating a Queued Component 661
Supporting Loosely Coupled Events 662
Summary 665
15 Implementing Windows Services 667
Controlling a Windows Service 668
Displaying Service Information 668
Starting and Stopping a Service 673
Writing a Windows Service 675
The Structure of a Service Application 675
Understanding Installer Classes 680
Creating a New Installer 681
Adding a Service Description 685
Installing and Testing the Service 686
Uninstalling a Service 688
Summary 688
Part V Building Applications for the Web
16 ASP.NET: A Better ASP 691
Introducing ASP.NET 692
Browser-Based Web Applications 692
The ASP.NET Environment 693
The Basic ASP.NET Programming Model 695
HTML Forms and ASP Forms 700
ASP.NET Web Forms 705
The Server-Side Controls 708
The Code Behind the Page 710
Handling Events 714
Client-Side Validation 718
Migrating from ASP Pages 724
Language and Code 724
The User Interface 725
Pages, Controls, and Data 727
The Page Class 727
Common Controls 732
Creating Your Own Controls 735
Binding to Data 739
Building ASP.NET Web Applications 742
Web.config 742
Global.asax 743
Deploying an ASP.NET Application 745
Managing State 746
Error Handling 754
Security 760
Caching 764
Summary 768
17 Building a Web Service 769
An Overview of Web Services 769
What Is a Web Service? 769
Web Service Technologies 770
Web Services in .NET 774
Creating a Web Service 775
A Simple Web Service 775
Creating a Web Service Using Visual Studio .NET 781
Web Service Description and Data Types 784
Exposing a Web Service Interface 785
Invoking the Service 797
Passing Complex Data Types 799
Passing DataSet Objects 811
Passing XML Documents 814
Creating an XML Web Service Application 815
Web Services as ASP.NET Applications 816
Transactions and Web Services 826
Exposing Existing Applications as Web Services 828
Summary 830
18 Creating a Web Service Client 831
Web Service Clients 832
The Client View of a Web Service 832
Creating a Web Service Client Using Visual Studio .NET 834
Going Beyond the Simple Client Scenario 838
Other Client Types 859
Dynamic Discovery of Web Services 863
Discovering Services on a Server 863
Discovering Services Through UDDI 870
Summary 875
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