F. Moavenzadeh
MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA
M.J. Markow
Teaticket, MA, USA
Preface ix
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Megacities 1
1.2 Transportation Policies and Sustainability 8
1.3 Outline of this Book 12
Chapter 2: Sustainability 15
2.1 What Is Sustainability? 15
2.2 Methods to Analyze Policies and Projects 27
2.3 Context for This Study 33
Chapter 3: Achieving Sustainable Development 35
3.1 Sustainable Cities 35
3.2 Sustainable Development as a Resource Management Problem 37
3.3 Sustainable Development as a Pollution Control Problem 45
3.4 Criticisms of Economic or Market-Based Incentives 49
3.5 Other Perspectives on Sustainable Development 55
3.6 Sustainable Transportation as an Integrated Concept 59
Chapter 4: Transportation Policy and Environmental
Sustainability 67
4.1 Role of Transportation 67
4.2 Managing Transportation Supply 75
4.3 Managing Transportation Demand 84
4.4 Land-Use Planning Strategies 95
4.5 Advanced Technologies: ITS 109
4.6 Advanced Technologies: Alternative Fuels 120
Chapter 5: Public-Private Partnerships to Deliver
Sustainable Transportation Projects 125
5.1 Background and Rationale 125
5.2 Spectrum of Partnership Arrangements 133
5.3 Evaluation of Service Delivery Methods 138
5.4 Divestiture or Denationalization 146
5.5 Government’s Role 152
5.6 Ensuring the Public Good 155
5.7 Capital Formation, Project Selection, and Investment Stimulation 157
5.8 Risk Allocation 160
5.9 Environmental Mutual Funds 163
Chapter 6: Transportation Policies: Examples and Lessons 165
6.1 Introduction 165
6.2 Bogotá 166
6.3 Singapore 180
6.4 Portland 189
6.5 Washington DC Metro 191
6.6 São Paulo 194
Chapter 7: Guangzhou Case Study 199
7.1 The City 199
7.2 Policy and Regulatory Framework Regarding Sustainability 206
7.3 Institutional and Financial Aspects 214
7.4 Case Study: Guangzhou’s Transportation Future 220
Chapter 8: Conclusion 239
References 243
Index 253
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