Acknowledgments xvii
Chapter 1 Introduction to Software Development 1
1.1 Life Cycle of a Software Development Project 2
1.1.1 Requirement Gathering 2
1.1.2 Writing Functional Specifications 4
1.1.3 Creating Architecture and Design Documents 4
1.1.4 Implementation and Coding 5
1.1.5 Testing 6
1.1.6 Software Releases 8
1.1.7 Documentation 8
1.1.8 Support and New Features 9
1.2 Components of a Development System 10
1.2.1 Hardware Platform 10
1.2.2 Operating System 11
1.2.3 Editors 11
1.2.4 Compilers and Assemblers 12
1.2.5 Debuggers 12
1.2.6 Version Control Systems 12
1.2.7 E-mail and Collaboration 13
1.2.8 X-Windows 13
1.3 Selection Criteria for Hardware Platform 13
1.4 Selection Criteria for Software Development Tools 14
1.5 Managing Development Process 14
1.5.1 Creating Deadlines 14
1.5.2 Managing the Development Team 15
1.5.3 Resolving Dependencies 15
1.6 Linux Development Platform Specifications (LDPS) and Linux
Standard Base (LSB) 15
1.6.1 Libraries 15
1.6.2 Current Contributors to LSB 16
1.7 References 16
Chapter 2 Working With Editors 17
2.1 What to Look for in an Editor 17
2.1.1 Extensibility 17
2.1.2 Understanding Syntax 18
2.1.3 Tag Support 18
2.1.4 Folding Code 18
2.2 Emacs 18
2.2.1 Using Emacs 19
2.2.2 Basic Emacs Concepts 20
2.2.3 Using Buffers and Windows 24
2.2.4 Language Modes 26
2.2.5 Using Tags 27
2.2.6 Compiling 30
2.2.7 Xemacs 32
2.3 Jed 32
2.3.1 Configuring Jed 33
2.3.2 Using Jed 34
2.3.3 Folding Code 35
2.4 VIM 37
2.4.1 VIM Concepts 38
2.4.2 Basic Editing 38
2.4.3 Using Tags with VIM 41
2.4.4 Folding Code 42
2.5 References and Resources 42
Chapter 3 Compilers and Assemblers 43
3.1 Introduction to GNU C and C++ Compilers 44
3.1.1 Languages Supported by GCC 44
3.1.2 New Features in GCC 3.x 46
3.2 Installing GNU Compiler 48
3.2.1 Downloading 48
3.2.2 Building and Installing GCC 48
3.2.3 Environment Variables 54
3.2.4 Post-Installation Tasks 56
3.2.5 What Not to Do when Installing Development Tools 58
3.3 Compiling a Program 58
3.3.1 Simple Compilation 59
3.3.2 Default File Types 60
3.3.3 Compiling to Intermediate Levels 61
3.3.4 Compilation with Debug Support 63
3.3.5 Compilation with Optimization 64
3.3.6 Static and Dynamic Linking 65
3.3.7 Compiling Source Code for Other Languages 66
3.3.8 Summary of gcc Options 70
3.4 Linking a program 91
3.5 Assembling a Program 91
3.6 Handling Warning and Error messages 92
3.7 Include files 92
3.8 Creating Libraries 92
3.9 Standard Libraries 93
3.10 Compiling Pascal Programs 94
3.10.1 Using Free Pascal (fpc) 95
3.10.2 Using GNU Pascal 96
3.11 Compiling Fortran Programs 96
3.12 Other Compilers 98
3.12.1 Smalltalk 98
3.12.2 Oberon 98
3.12.3 Ruby 98
3.13 References and Resources 98
Chapter 4 Using GNU make 101
4.1 Introduction to GNU make 102
4.1.1 Basic Terminology 103
4.1.2 Input Files 105
4.1.3 Typical Contents of a Makefile 106
4.1.4 Running make 108
4.1.5 Shell to Execute Commands 109
4.1.6 Include Files 109
4.2 The make Rules 110
4.2.1 Anatomy of a Rule 110
4.2.2 A Basic Makefile 111
4.2.3 Another Example of Makefile 113
4.2.4 Explicit Rules 118
4.2.5 Implicit Rules 118
4.3 Using Variables 119
4.3.1 Defining Variables 120
4.3.2 Types of Variables 120
4.3.3 Pre-Defined Variables 121
4.3.4 Automatic Variables 121
4.4 Working with Multiple Makefiles and Directories 122
4.4.1 Makefile in The Top Directory 123
4.4.2 Makefile in common-dir Directory 125
4.4.3 Makefile in the ftp-dir Directory 126
4.4.4 Makefile in the tftp-dir Directory 127
4.4.5 Makefile in the dns-dir Directory 127
4.4.6 Building Everything 128
4.4.7 Cleaning Everything 129
4.4.8 Making Individual Targets 129
4.5 Special Features of make 130
4.5.1 Running Commands in Parallel 130
4.5.2 Non-Stop Execution 130
4.6 Control Structures and Directives 131
4.6.1 The ifeq Directive 132
4.6.2 The ifneq Directive 132
4.6.3 The ifdef Directive 132
4.6.4 The ifndef Directive 133
4.6.5 The for Control Structure 133
4.7 Getting the Latest Version and Installation 133
4.7.1 Compilation 133
4.7.2 Installation 134
4.8 References and Resources 134
Chapter 5 Working with GNU Debugger 135
5.1 Introduction to GDB 136
5.2 Getting Started with GDB 136
5.2.1 Most Commonly Used gdb Commands 137
5.2.2 A Sample Session with gdb 138
5.2.3 Passing Command Line Arguments to the Program
Being Debugged 141
5.3 Controlling Execution 144
5.3.1 The step and finish Commands 144
5.4 Working with the Stack 146
5.5 Displaying Variables 151
5.5.1 Displaying Program Variables 151
5.5.2 Automatic Displaying Variables with Each Command 153
5.5.3 Displaying Environment Variables 154
5.5.4 Modifying Variables 155
5.6 Adding Break Points 156
5.6.1 Continuing from Break Point 158
5.6.2 Disabling Break Points 159
5.6.3 Enabling Break Points 159
5.6.4 Deleting Break Points 160
5.7 Debugging Optimized Code 160
5.8 Files and Shared Libraries 163
5.9 Using gdb With GNU Emacs 164
5.10 Debugging Running Processes 165
5.11 Installing GDB 168
5.11.1 Downloading and Building 168
5.11.2 Final Installation 168
5.12 Other Open Source Debuggers 169
5.12.1 The kdbg Debugger 169
5.12.2 The ddd Debugger 172
5.12.3 The xxgdb Debugger 173
5.13 References and Resources 174
Chapter 6 Introduction to CVS 175
6.1 CVS Policies 176
6.2 Project Management and Communication 176
6.3 Installing and Managing CVS 176
6.3.1 Configuring CVS 177
6.3.2 Impoting a Project into the Repository 179
6.4 Using the CVS Client 180
6.4.1 Local Repositories 181
6.4.2 Remote Repositories 182
6.4.3 Checking out a Project 182
6.4.4 Finding the Status of a Project 183
6.4.5 Finding Differences 184
6.4.6 Resolving Conflicts 185
6.4.7 Checking the Project Back In 186
6.4.8 Adding Files to a Project 186
6.4.9 Removing Files from a Project 187
6.4.10 Renaming Files within a Project 188
6.4.11 Removing your Working Copy 188
6.4.12 Tags and Releases 189
6.5 Introduction to jCVS 190
6.5.1 System Requirements 190
6.5.2 Installation Instructions 190
6.5.3 Using jCVS 191
6.6 Using Emacs with CVS 196
6.6.1 Installing pcl-cvs 197
6.6.2 Using pcl-cvs 197
6.7 Secure remote access with CVS 199
6.7.1 Secure Shell Access 199
6.8 References and Resources 201
Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Tools 203
7.1 Using indent Utility 204
7.1.1 Getting Started with Indent 205
7.1.2 Selecting Coding Styles 206
7.1.3 Blank Lines and Comments 209
7.1.4 Formatting Braces 210
7.1.5 Formatting Declarations 211
7.1.6 Breaking Long Lines 212
7.1.7 Summary of Options 213
7.2 Using sed Utility 215
7.3 Using diff Utility 215
7.3.1 Other Forms of diff Utility 218
7.4 Using cscope and cbrowser 219
7.5 Generating C Function Prototypes from C Source Code
Using cproto 222
7.6 Using ltrace and strace Utilities 223
7.7 Using GNU Binary Utilities 226
7.7.1 Using the ar Utility 226
7.7.2 Using the ranlib Utility 228
7.7.3 Using the nm Utility 228
7.7.4 Using the strip Utility 231
7.7.5 Using the objcopy Utility 231
7.7.6 Using the objdump Utility 232
7.7.7 Using the size Utility 236
7.7.8 Using the strings Utility 237
7.7.9 Using the addr2line Utility 237
7.8 Using the ldd Utility 238
7.9 References and Resources 238
Chapter 8 Cross-Platform and Embedded Systems Development 239
8.1 Introduction to the Cross-Platform Development Process 240
8.1.1 Host Machine 240
8.1.2 Target Machine 240
8.1.3 Native and Cross Compilers 241
8.1.4 Cross Platform Development Cycle 241
8.2 What are Embedded Systems? 243
8.2.1 Embedded Systems and Moving Parts 244
8.2.2 Embedded Systems and Power Consumption 245
8.2.3 Embedded Operating Systems 245
8.2.4 Software Applications for Embedded Systems 246
8.3 How Development Systems Differ for Embedded Systems 246
8.3.1 Knowledge of Target System Hardware 246
8.3.2 Is the Target System Real-Time? 247
8.3.3 Testing Methodology 247
8.4 Cross Compilations 247
8.4.1 Software Emulators 248
8.4.2 In-circuit emulators 249
8.4.3 Introduction to JTAG and BDM 249
8.5 Connecting to Target 250
8.5.1 Using gdbserver with GNU Debugger 250
8.5.2 Attaching to a Running Process Using gdbserver 255
8.5.3 Using Stubs with GNU Debugger 256
8.5.4 Debugging the Debug Session 256
8.6 Hardware Used for Cross Platform and Embedded Systems
Development 258
8.6.1 Arcom SBC-GX1 Board 258
8.6.2 Artesyn PM/PPC Mezzanine Card 260
8.7 References 261
Chapter 9 Platform Independent Development with Java 263
9.1 How Java Applications Work 264
9.1.1 Java Compiler 264
9.1.2 Java Virtual Machine 264
9.2 Kaffe 264
9.3 The Jboss Java Development System 266
9.4 Java 2 SDK 267
9.4.1 Java 2 SDK Standard Edition 267
9.4.2 Getting and Installing Java SDK from Sun 269
9.4.3 Creating jar Files 269
9.5 Building Java Applications 270
9.5.1 Creating Source Code File 270
9.5.2 Compiling Java Code 270
9.5.3 Running Java Applications 271
9.5.4 Using gcj to Build Java Applications 271
9.6 Building Applets 271
9.7 Testing Applets with Netscape 272
9.8 Jikes for Java 272
9.9 Miscellaneous 274
9.9.1 Embedded Java 274
9.9.2 Real Time Java 274
9.9.3 Wireless Applications 275
9.10 References 275
Appendix A Typical Hardware Requirements for a Linux
Development Workstation 277
Index 283
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