Preface ix
Contributors xiii
About the Editor xvii
1. Algorithms for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 1
Azzedine Boukerche, Daniel Cˆ mara, Antonio A.F. Loureiro,
and Carlos M.S. Figueiredo
2. Establishing a Communication Infrastructure in Ad Hoc Networks 21
Michel Barbeau, Evangelos Kranakis, and Ioannis Lambadaris
3. Robustness Control for Network-Wide Broadcast in Multihop
Wireless Networks 51
Paul Rogers and Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh
4. Encoding for Efficient Data Distribution in Multihop
Ad Hoc Networks 87
Luciana Pelusi, Andrea Passarella, and Marco Conti
5. A Taxonomy of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 129
Azzedine Boukerche, Mohammad Z. Ahmad, Damla Turgut,
and Begumhan Turgut
6. Adaptive Backbone Multicast Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 165
Chaiporn Jaikaeo and Chien-Chung Shen
7. Effect of Interference on Routing in Multihop Wireless Networks 187
Vinay Kolar and Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh
8. Routing Protocols in Intermittently Connected Mobile
Ad Hoc Networks and Delay-Tolerant Networks 219
Zhensheng Zhang
9. Transport Layer Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 251
Lap Kong Law, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy, and Michalis Faloutsos
10. ACK-Thinning Techniques for TCP in MANETs 277
Stylianos Papanastasiou, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, and Lewis M. MacKenzie
11. Power Control Protocols for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks 315
Junhua Zhu, Brahim Bensaou, and Farid Na ̈t-Abdesselam
12. Power Saving in Solar-Powered WLAN Mesh Networks 353
Amir A. Sayegh, Mohammed N. Smadi, and Terence D. Todd
13. Reputation-and-Trust-Based Systems for Ad Hoc Networks 375
Avinash Srinivasan, Joshua Teitelbaum, Jie Wu, Mihaela Cardei,
and Huigang Liang
14. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: An Emerging Technology Toward
Safe and Efficient Transportation 405
Maen M. Artimy, William Robertson, and William J. Phillips
15. Performance Issues in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 433
Maria Kihl and Mihail L. Sichitiu
16. Cluster Interconnection in 802.15.4 Beacon-Enabled Networks 459
Jelena Miˇi ́ and Ranjith Udayshankar
Index 481
Another Network Books
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