Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR
Data Warehousing Architecture and Implementation
I: Introduction
I: Introduction
1. The Enterprise IT Architecture
The Past: Evolution of Enterprise Architectures
The Present: The IT Professional's Responsibility
Business Perspective
Technology Perspective
Architecture Migration Scenarios
Migration Strategy: How Do We Move Forward?
In Summary
2. Data Warehouse Concepts
Gradual Changes in Computing Focus
The Data Warehouse Defined
The Dynamic, Ad Hoc Report
The Purposes of a Data Warehouse
A Word About Data Marts
A Word About Operational Data Stores
Data Warehouse Cost-Benefit Analysis / Return on Investment
In Summary
II: People
II: People
3. The Project Sponsor
How Will a Data Warehouse Affect our Decision-Making Processes?
How Does a Data Warehouse Improve My Financial Processes? Marketing? Operations?
When Is a Data Warehouse Project Justified?
What Expenses Are Involved?
What Are the Risks?
Risk-Mitigating Approaches
Is My Organization Ready for a Data Warehouse?
How Do I Measure the Results?
In Summary
4. The CIO
How Do I Support the Data Warehouse?
How Will My Data Warehouse Evolve?
Who Should Be Involved in a Data Warehouse Project?
What Is the Team Structure Like?
What New Skills Will My People Need?
How Does Data Warehousing Fit into My IT Architecture?
How Many Vendors Do I Need to Talk to?
What Should I Look for in a Data Warehouse Vendor?
How Does Data Warehousing Affect My Existing Systems?
Data Warehousing and Its Impact on Other Enterprise Initiatives
When Is a Data Warehouse Not Appropriate?
How Do I Manage or Control a Data Warehouse Initiative?
In Summary
5. The Project Manager
How Do I Roll Out a Data Warehouse Initiative?
How Imprtant Is the Hardware Platform?
What Technologies Are Involved?
Do I Still Use Relational Databases for Data Warehousing?
How Long Does a Data Warehousing Project Last?
How Is a Data Warehouse Different from Other IT Projects?
What Are the Critical Success Factors of a Data Warehousing Project?
In Summary
III: Process
III: Process
6. Warehousing Strategy
Strategy Components
Determine Organizational Context
Conduct Preliminary Survey of Requirements
Conduct Preliminary Source System Audit
Identify External Data Sources (If Applicable)
Define Warehouse Roolouts (Phased Implementation)
Define Preliminary Data Warehouse Architecture
Evaluate Development and Production Environment and Tools
In Summary
7. Warehouse Management and Support Processes
Define Issue Tracking and Resolution Process
Perform Capacity Planning
Define Warehouse Purging Rules
Define Security Measures
Define Backup and Recovery Strategy
Set Up Collection of Warehouse Usage Statistics
In Summary
8. Data Warehouse Planning
Assemble and Orient Team
Conduct Decisional Requirements Analysis
Conduct Decisional Source System Audit
Design Logical and Physical Warehouse Schema
Produce Source-to-Target Field Mapping
Select Development and Production Environment and Tools
Create Prototype for This Rollout
Create Implementation Plan of This Rollout
Warehouse Planning Tips and Caveats
In Summary
9. Data Warehouse Implementation
Acquire and Set Up Development Environment
Obtain Copies of Operational Tables
Finalize Physical Warehouse Schema Design
Build or Configure Extraction and Transformation Subsystems
Build or Configure Data Quality Subsystem
Build Warehouse Load Subsystem
Set Up Warehouse Metadata
Set Up Data Access and Retrieval Tools
Perform the Production Warehouse Load
Conduct User Training
Conduct User Testing and Acceptance
In Summary
IV: Technology
IV: Technology
10. Hardware and Operating Systems
Parallel Hardware Technology
Hardware Selection Criteria
In summary
11. Warehousing Software
Middleware and Connectivity Tools
Extraction Tools
Transformation Tools
Data Quality Tools
Data Loaders
Database Management Systems
Metadata Repository
Data Access and Retrieval Tools
Data Modeling Tools
Warehouse Management Tools
Source Systems
In Summary
12. Warehouse Schema Design
OLTP Systems Use Normalized Data Structures
Dimensional Modeling for Decisional Systems
Two Types of Tables: Facts and Dimensions
A Schema Is a Fact Table Plus Its Related Dimension Tables
Facts Are Fully Normalized, Dimensions Are Denormalized
Dimensional Hierarchies and Hierarchical Drilling
The Time Dimension
The Granularity of the Fact Table
The Fact Table Key Concatenates Dimension Keys
Aggregates or Summaries
Dimensional Attributes
Multiple Star Schemas
Core and Custom Tables
In Summary
13. Warehouse Metadata
Metadata Are a Form of Abstration
Why Are Metadata Imprtant?
Metadata Types
Metadata as the Basis for Automating Warehousing Tasks
In Summary
14. Warehousing Applications
The Early Adopters
Types of Warehousing Applications
Financial Analysis and Management
Specialized Applications of Warehousing Technology
In Summary
V: Where to Now?
V: Where to Now?
15. Warehouse Maintenance and Evolution
Regular Warehous Loads
Warehouse Statistics Collection
Warehouse User Profiles
Security and Access Profiles
Data Quality
Data Growth
Updates to Warehouse Subsystems
Database Optimization and Tuning
Data Warehouse Staffing
Warehouse Staff and User Training
Subsequent Warehouse Rollouts
Chargeback Schemes
Disaster Recovery
In Summary
16. Warehousing Trends
Continued Growth of the Data Warehouse Industry
Increased Adoption of Warehousing Technology by More Industries
Increased Maturity of Data Mining Technologies
Emergence and Use of Metadata Interchange Standards
Increased Availability of Web-Enabled Solutions
Popularity of Windows NT for Data Mart Projects
Availability of Warehousing Modules for Application Packages
More Mergers and Acquisitions Among Warehouse Players
In Summary
VI: Appendices
VI: Appendices
A. R/ OLAP XL® User's Manual
Welcome to R/ OLAP XL!
User's Guide
Working with R/ OLAP XL Columns
Setting R/ OLAP XL Options
The R/ OLAP XL Toolbars
Macro Programming
R/ OLAP XL Messages
B. Warehouse Designer® User's Manual
Welcome to Warehouse Designer!
Basic Consepts
The Warehouse Designer Toolbars
Custom Dimensions
Custom Schemas
Aggregate Dimensions
Aggregate Schemas
C. Online Data Warehousing Resources
C. Online Data Warehousing Resources
D. Tool and Vendor Inventory
D. Tool and Vendor Inventory
E. Software License Agreement
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