Monday, October 3, 2011

Python for Dummies

How This Book Is Organized
This book gives you an overview of Python; the lowdown about all of its major parts, structures, and libraries; and a glimpse into some more advanced features. You also find out where to go to discover more.

Part I: Getting StartedIn this part, we introduce Python and situate it among the myriad other programming languages available. Python is good for some things and not for others; you find out which is which. We provide a hands-on introduction to some of Python's abilities, using its helpful interactive mode and its IDLE programming environment. We briefly describe each of Python's basic building blocks and show how all these blocks come together by dissecting a working program. We sketch an overview of how professional programmers design programs and debug code and show you how to put these practices to work to make your own programming life easier.

Part II: Building BlocksPython has six basic data types and many ways to work with each of them. In this part, we describe how to work with strings (chunks of text), numbers, lists and tuples (both of which store multiple data elements), dictionaries (which associate one element with another), and sets (which always contain unique elements, never duplicates).

Part III: StructuresPython code usually comes in chunks, both small and big, and each chunk does a particular thing. This part also includes a brief introduction to some advanced features and the new features of Python 2.5.

Part IV: LibrariesPython comes with everything you need to write a very powerful program, and other people have already solved lots of programming conundrums for you. Its libraries include primary services such as communication with the operating system, text processing tools, various ways of reading and writing information to disk, and Internet access methods.

Part V: The Part of TensAll For Dummies books include The Part of Tens. In this part, we give you ten useful but not-so-obvious programming idioms and ten resources where you can find out more about Python.

Part VI: AppendixesHere you find instructions on how to install Python and its documentation, as well as a list of new features introduced with each new version of Python since 2.0.Icons appear throughout the book to indicate special material. Here's what they mean: Tip A Tip explains how to do something a little bit more easily and efficiently.Warning A Warning gives you a heads-up about tricky stuff or common mistakes that might cause data loss or some other sort of headache. It's best to read Warnings to make sure a tricky feature doesn't "getcha."TECHNICAL STUFF A Technical Stuff icon flags text that's of interest to readers who like to know about the inner workings or history of a subject. You don't need to read Technical Stuff material. After you've internalized a little about a subject, reading this text might help you understand it from a different angle.REMEMBER Remember icons highlight imprtant concepts or pieces of information to keep in mind.Another Phyton BooksAnother Programming Language BooksDownload

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